

What do you want to know about AmeriCorps service in Minnesota?

From what is AmeriCorps to how much do positions pay, we have answers to your most pressing questions. Read our FAQ, if you have more questions, contact us directly.

美国服务队是美国为全国各地社区服务的系统——从教室到户外,再到两者之间的任何地方. 在美国志愿队, 当你回馈社区的时候,你可以学习和应用新的技能, 状态 和 country through public service. 自1994年成立以来,已有100多万人在美国服务队服役.

What do AmeriCorps members do?

加入美国服务队的人(称为“成员”)在澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端领域提供直接服务, 灾难服务, 经济机会, environmental stewardship, 健康的未来, veterans 和 military families. 在明尼苏达州,有数百个参与其中的机会.

As an AmeriCorps member, you can:

  • Help children become confident readers 
  • Prepare students for high school math
  • Help serve people in recovery from substance use disorder
  • Tutor 和 mentor disadvantaged youth
  • Build 和 restore affordable housing
  • Teach computer 和 employment skills
  • Clean parks 和 streams
  • 还有更多!
Where do AmeriCorps members serve?

Members can serve with nonprofit organizations, 状态 和 local units of government, public 和 charter schools, institutions of higher education, Indigenous tribes 和更多的. 美国志愿队成员在明尼苏达州87个县中的82个县服务.

点击这里 for a list of all of our AmeriCorps programs.

servinnesota是明尼苏达州国家和社区服务委员会, 这意味着我们要监督所有有美国志愿队成员参与的州项目. 我们负责向联邦美国服务队和各州拨款,以支持高质量的美国服务队项目, measurable impact on critical community needs across Minnesota. 除了, ServeMinnesota provides monitoring, 为美国志愿队在明尼苏达州的项目提供培训和技术援助.


Minimum Eligibility Requirements:

你一定是美国人.S. citizen, national or legal permanent resident alien of the U.S.

• You must be at least 17 years old, 虽然有些服务机会要求个人至少年满18岁. For most programs, there are no upper age limits.

• Some programs require experience, 在某些领域的一定程度的澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端成就或技能.


How much do AmeriCorps members earn?

Members serving in full‐time positions receive a 最低 living allowance of at least $16,000 during their year of service.  

这项生活津贴将在成员的服务期限内平均分配,并不直接与服务时间挂钩.e. 不是计时工资). 会员还可以担任兼职和暑期职位,并获得按比例的生活津贴. 全职工作的成员有资格享受健康保险,并可能有资格根据家庭规模和收入获得儿童保育报销.

在完成他们的服务条款后,全职会员将获得一份 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项 最高6345美元(基于2021年的利率),用于支付高等澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端或合格的学生贷款. Part-time members receive a pro‐rated award. 联邦学生贷款在服务期间有资格获得豁免,除澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖外,还将偿还应计利息.

How much is the 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项?

2021-22学年全日制服务的澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖励为6345美元. The 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项 for part-time positions is prorated. 美国志愿队成员可以通过多个服务条款赚取高达两个全职奖励的价值. 了解更多.

How do I apply for AmeriCorps?

美国志愿队在明尼苏达州的每个项目都有不同的申请、截止日期和招聘流程. The first step is filling out this 触点形式, telling us a little bit about yourself 和 your interests. 我们会直接回复你关于如何开始你的申请. 

How can the 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项 be used? What if I'm not in college?

You can use the 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项 to pay for tuition for associate, undergraduate or graduate studies at a qualified school. There are many other ways it can be used, 太, though:

  • Books, college fees 和 other educational necessities
  • Online courses at approved college 和 university programs
  • 购买一台你将在学校使用的笔记本电脑(注意电脑必须通过学校购买), from a 技术 lease-to-own program)
  • 偿还现有的学生贷款(只要确保这些贷款是合格的联邦贷款,而不是私人银行贷款)
  • 结合当前的澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端费用和偿还合格的学生贷款
  • Study-abroad program expenses
  • Coursework in a specialized skill – coding, EMT培训, sign language certification, videography 和 photography, certain teaching certifications 和 many other programs, often offered at community colleges
  • Fees associated with an apprenticeship program

如果你55岁或以上,不打算继续你的澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端, you can transfer the 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项 to your child, 继子, 寄养子女或孙辈承担所有这些澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端费用, 太. 如果你转移了奖励,从你完成服务之日起,那个人有10年的时间来使用它. (也, you can only transfer once to one person, but you don’t have to transfer the whole thing — so in theory, 你也许可以和你的孩子或孙子一起免费上课!)

另外, 一些学院和大学甚至会匹配你的美国服务队澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖. In Minnesota, this includes the University of Minnesota – Humphrey School of Public Affairs, 奥格斯堡大学 Concordia University-St. 保罗, Macalester College, Mitchell Hamline School of Law, St大学. 托马斯。. No industry-wide st和ard exists for matching awards; some schools match the amount of the 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项, 一些学校提供固定数额的奖学金,无论获得多少澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖励,都保持不变. Some institutions offer the scholarships on a continuing basis, while others offer one-time-only awards. 与你的学院或大学联系,了解他们的政策以及他们如何申请匹配资金.

Can I defer college loan payments while serving in AmeriCorps?

Members who have federal student loans may qualify for forbearance, 或推迟, during their term of service. After you complete your term of service, 国民服务信托将支付部分或全部的利息积累在忍耐期间. This is in addition to your 澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖项.

Does AmeriCorps pay for health insurance?

是的. 每周工作35小时或更长时间的会员将获得个人医疗保健福利,每月保费100%覆盖. 

Does AmeriCorps offer housing assistance?

双子城人居中心为成员提供有限的低成本住房. Other programs can connect you to shared housing resources. 

How can I take a gap year in AmeriCorps after high school?

许多高中毕业生在高中毕业和大学(或其他大学)之间的间隔年参加美国服务队服务。. Do you want to learn more? 观看我们关于 Why You Should Do  a Gap Year in AmeriCorps 或者读到 high school graduate who 太k an AmeriCorps gap year 毕业后. 

Can I serve in AmeriCorps part-time? 或者只在夏天?

是的. Some AmeriCorps programs offer summer-only positions. Many programs offer part-time 和 full-time opportunities.

How can serving in AmeriCorps help build my skills?

Similar to an internship, 我们提供的服务机会,将建立您的专业技能和知识在广泛的领域. 通过服务建立的一些顶级专业领域是在澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端领域, 公共政策, 卫生政策, 社会正义, 人力资源,  技术, 环境, 和更多的. No matter which program you choose, 美国服务队将帮助你发展雇主正在寻找的软技能.g.,团队合作,领导能力,口头和书面沟通,解决问题和适应能力.

Which organizations can apply for AmeriCorps program grants?

多态, 状态, local 和 tribal grantees recruit, 在直接服务和能力建设活动中培训和管理美国志愿队成员,以解决六个重点领域未满足的社区需求:澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端, 健康的未来, clean energy/environment, veterans 和 military families, 灾难服务, 经济机会. AmeriCorps members help organizations exp和 services, 建设能力, 发展合作关系, 利用资源, create sustainable programs, recruit 和 manage other volunteers. 每年, AmeriCorps members serve with thous和s of nonprofit, 以信仰为基础的, community organizations, helping them exp和 their reach 和 better meet their mission.  这些强有力的服务经历还有助于美国志愿队成员培养终身的公民参与.

你是想申请美国服务队资助的组织的一员吗? 请访问我们的“助学金”部分了解有关要求,申请流程和截止日期.

What’s it like to be an AmeriCorps member?